An idea from a performer who wants the chance to perform, whilst training.

An idea from a performer who wants the chance to perform, whilst training.

Charlotte Otteoegenn is a LGBTQ+ performer. She is a graduate of MTA and has been in an award winning play. She is a graduate from AMT and has since worked in different jobs from Circus to Performing Arts.

The Actory is a diverse community of professionally-trained actors and creatives striving to foster both performing and production excellence, while respecting supporting access needs and celebrating the full rainbow of ‘protected charateristics’.

The Actory’s recent production of RENT at the Pheonix Arts Club was a triumphant success selling out all 8 shows. Numerous industry professionals attended (such as Talent Agencies, Casting Directors, Theatre company reprsentatives and West End Proformers). We achieved several whopping 4-star reviews and members of casting being signed by leading Talent Agencies.

The Vision

“When I first started putting  this program together I thought: a lot of performers, after doing their end of year show at drama school don’t get to be in a full musical again, and if they do, then potentially not for a while.

During our time in training we are all told the work never ends. Continuously working on our craft is one of the many things that makes our industry so special. We can always push ourselves to be more!

To continue with our training there are so many options of classes and workshops out there, which is fantastic! However there are so few  opportunities to be in a full musical production!

And sometimes it’s hard to keep the passion alive. Keep going until we hear that first ‘YES!’

That’s where The Actory comes in!

I want this program to be a chance for people to keep (maybe even rediscover) their love for musical theatre. To have the opportunity to work on things that you might not be able to get from a one hour dance class. “ - Charlotte Oetegenn - Founder.

The Program

Learn a full musical and challenge yourself

There will be opportunities for people to learn how to be an understudy and/or how to be a swing. Maybe you want to learn a bit more about tech? choreographing a show? Or even directing? we can help you out so you can reach your full potential! By arranging the possibility to shadow our current team and then be that team member in our next production?

If you are interested in any of these please let us know in the Audition Application form.

Rehearse every Sunday for four hours

We’re going to rehearse for 4/7 hours every week as a full company. There might also be an extra weekday evening rehearsal for smaller groups (no extra cost don’t worry).

During that time you will learn the score, work on scenes and choreography.

Get a credit and experience

This show will be a fully licensed production so you will be able to add it as a credit on your CV.

You will also be able to invite agents and we will do our best to invite as many industry professionals as possible.